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Cookies and Treats


Jerky $10 for 100 Grams



Ingredients: Muscle and organ meat

All our jerky treats are all natural, high-protein, raw-hide free and slow-dried in controlled temperature to preserve maximum nutrients

Spice Chicken Jerky

Ingredients: Chicken Breast, Turmeric, Cinnamon

All our jerky treats are all natural, high-protein, raw-hide free and slow-dried in controlled temperature to preserve maximum nutrients

Ginger and Pepper Chicken Jerky

Ingredients: Chicken Breast, Ground Ginger and Black Pepper

All our jerky treats are all natural, high-protein, raw-hide free and slow-dried in controlled temperature to preserve maximum nutrients


Cookies: $10.00 for 125 Grams


Fresh Mint

Ingredients: Ingredients: Pure Pumpkin, Eggs, Whole Wheat, Apple, Mint and Parsley

Dog Safe Choco Chip

Ingredients: Whole Wheat, Oats, Carob, Cinnamon, Eggs.

Pumpkin Spice

Ingredients: Pure Pumpkin, Eggs, Peanut Butter, Oats, Whole Wheat, Ginger, Cinnamon.

PB Sandwich

Ingredients: Olive Oil, Peanut Butter,Whole Wheat.

Choco Biscuits

Ingredients: Whole Wheat, Carob, Olive Oil, Eggs, Peanut Butter, Honey.

Veggie Delight

Ingredients: Ingredients: Pumpkin, Peanut Butter, Eggs, Oats, Whole Wheat, Carrot, Zucchini, Spinach.

COOKIES ( Gluten Free)

Cookies: $10.00 for 100 Grams


Coconut PB & Pumpkin

Ingredients: Ingredients: Pumpkin, Peanut Butter, Coconut Oil, Eggs, Turmeric, Cinnamon, Coconut Flour.

Peanut Butter & Banana Bites

Ingredients: Oats, Peanut Butter and Banana.

Carob Banana Swirl

Ingredients: Banana, Eggs, Honey, Coconut Oil, Cinnamon, Baking Powder, Oats,Carob.

Gluten Free Choco Chip Cookies

Ingredients: Brown Rice, Oats, Carob, Cinnamon, Eggs.

Dog Safe Chocolates

Dog Safe Chocolates $10.00 for 12 Pieces


Dark Chocolate

Ingredients: Ingredients: Carob, Coconut oil

Chocolate Drizzle

Ingredients: Carob, Yogurt chips, Coconut Oil

Frozen Peanut Butter bones and Heart chocolates

Ingredients: Carob, Peanut Butter, Coconut Oil

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Read about the ingredients that make our product valued by pet owners

Whats in our special blend of Dog food