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feeding guide

How to Feed

Generally, large dogs will eat proportionately less and small dogs will eat proportionately more. Simply thaw the package by placing it in the refrigerator for a day or two. When ready to serve, put the appropriate amount in a microwave-safe bowl and gently warm. Barkery meal can be served warm or cold, depending on your dog’s preference. However, warming the food will release the lovely aroma and encourage your dog to eat.

Note: Never heat Barkery meal in the packaging tray it arrives in or in any plastic packaging.

How much to Feed

Larger dogs will generally eat proportionately less than that and small dogs will generally eat proportionately more. As a general rule of thumb, we suggest feeding roughly 2-3% (dog’s weight x 0.02 or 0.03) of your dog’s body weight daily. A growing puppy should get 4-5% (dog’s weight x 0.04 or 0.05) of their body weight in food per day. Measure their weight gain every couple of weeks and adjust the amounts accordingly. Dogs are meant to eat multiple times a day. If possible, ensure you feed your dog at least twice a day. To give you a better idea, a 40-50lbs dog should eat 1lb food a day, split between two meals.

Included below is a feeding chart which should be used as general feeding amount guideline. The amounts shown may not be the recommended portion for your dog depending on the health condition. Please consult your dog’s vet for expert advise on your dog’s dietary needs.

feeding guidelines

Dog Weight (Adult)
Daily Serving Amount - Adult Dog (>18 months)
Daily Serving Amount - Puppy (<18 months)
5 lbs/2.25 kg
50 - 65 gms
75 - 90 gms
10 lbs/4.5 kg
100 – 125 gms

150 – 175 gms

20 lbs/9 kg
200 – 275 gms
300 – 350 gms
30 lbs/13.5 kg

300 – 400 gms

425 – 525 gms

40 lbs/18 kg
375 – 525 gms
550 – 700 gms
50 lbs/22.5 kg
475 – 675 gms
700 – 875 gms
60 lbs/27 kg
575 – 800 gms
825– 1050 gms
70 lbs/31.75 kg

675 – 950 gms
975 – 1250 gms
80 lbs/36 kg
750 – 1050 gms
1100 – 1425 gms
90 lbs/41 kg
850 – 1200 gms
91250 – 1625 gms