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The Barkery Difference

Its a Bakery for the barking breed

We believe that our best friend (more so family) deserves same wholesome food and nutrition that we eat. Not too long ago, dogs were fed a portion of the same food that their human companions would eat, either in raw form or gently cooked. So what changed? It seems that over time, processed food has gained popularity due to the convenience it brings but thats the only benefit or really just a selling point. The inconvenience and health affects of consuming such food becomes evident later and recovery comes at high cost. Luckily, there is enough evidence from research done over many years to prove that most processed food is not healthy food. Not only does it come loaded with preservatives but also the ingredients used are commercial grade and lack nutritional value. This is relatively same for humans and our pet-friends but what makes it worse for those below us in the food chain is the heavy use of by-products. By-products are low-grade products derived as left-overs from the manufacture of human foods. While it maybe good for business and drives high profit but how can it be good for consumption of our pets? There has been a surge in pet health problems over time as processed food has replaced their natural diet.

Feeding your dog fresh, gently-cooked food can promote health and wellness. Because the food is free of preservatives & fillers, your dog’s body will be able to use more of what they eat – consuming the healthy nutrients, vitamins, minerals, proteins and carbs to good use. Most common health problems (in pets and humans alike) can be linked to what we feed on. When we eat well, we feel well and live better.

At our Barkery, we make meals for your pets from real, nutritious, wholesome ingredients you’d find in a health food store. It’s people food, made especially for pets. Our family takes pride in serving the special member(s) of your family with delicious and highly nutritional food they deserve.

How it all started...

My family had dogs since last 4-5 generations and it’s an inseperable bond that we share with our dogs. I grew up with these humble, loving and giving creatures knowing them no different than my human family. I believe that most families with dogs feel the same way. I immigrated to this beautiful country (Canada) about a decade ago and got myself a cute little puppy who grew up to be a cuddly, playful and happy dog. Everything went well till he reached mid-age and started to put on weight. I reduced his diet, gave more play & walk/run time but in vain. Then I also noticed other symptoms like being lethargic, getting tired easily, dry coat and dander. Vet visits and tests showed that he had developed hypothyroid and though it wasn’t acute but wasn’t mild either. Other than Synthyroid dose on daily basis, I was advised to put him on a specialized diet with specific brand dog-food. In next 3-6 months, his condition worsened and hypothyroid reached much higher levels. During this time, we had switched between 3 different brands of dog-food and there was no sign of improvement. It was heart-breaking to see a dog with the heart of a puppy not being able to keep up with his soul.

Then someone advised me to discontinue the packaged dog-food from stores and try home-made food. I realized then that back home, my family always fed home-cooked food to our dogs. Despite hypothyroid being common in north India due to lack of iodine in food, none of our dogs ever had such problem. I researched about home made dog food and connected with some people who cooked for their dogs at home. This became a full-time project for me where I was not only talking to other dog owners but also learning about nutritional benefits of various ingredients.

Finally, after all the research and consultation with number of vets and pet nutritionists, I found a recipe for home-made dog food with almost 12-16 ingredients from major food categories (grain, fruits/vegetables and meat) which contribute to a well-balanced, wholesome & high-nutrition diet. And it lived upto my dog’s expectation right from the moment he had the first bite. I didn’t have to wean him away from his usual food as he didn’t want to go back to processed food or kibble anymore. So now we had to wait and watch the results over a period of time. And as I hoped so much for him to get better, the results started becoming visible in 3-4 weeks. My dog was showing more energy, higher level of activity and his coat was starting to feel softer and look better. I took him for a checkup after 2 months and he was starting to lose some weight. This was promising and my dog was just happier overall. Another 4 months passed, we had much better results and weight was going down further. The vet did a blood test to check for thyroid levels and was amazed to find signs of recovery. It wasn’t enough to change the dose just yet but there was hope. I’ll fast forward to another 1 year (18 months from the food change) and my dog was back to perfect body weight, expected level of energy and his hypothyroid was down to minimum dose.

This was significant improvement and I had my happy, cheerful, playful and a very active son back to life. Its been 4 years now and my dog continues to live healthy and happy while I have also helped some friends switch from kibble. As I am spreading the word for goodness of our beloved furry friends, I decided to take my passion to the next level and start this venture of nutritious, wholesome and balanced dog food. I strongly believe that with all the support I have recieved so far, I will continue to help families take better care of their best friends with a balanced and wholesome diet rich in healthy nutrition and tasteful delight.

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